Visual Basic Scripting Edition | Language Reference |
Returns a Drives collection consisting of all Drive objects available on the local machine.
The object is always a FileSystemObject.
Removable-media drives need not have media inserted for them to appear in the Drives collection.
You can iterate the members of the Drives collection using a For Each...Next construct as illustrated in the following code:
Function ShowDriveList
Dim fso, d, dc, s, n
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set dc = fso.Drives
For Each d in dc
n = ""
s = s & d.DriveLetter & " - "
If d.DriveType = 3 Then
n = d.ShareName
ElseIf d.IsReady Then
n = d.VolumeName
End If
s = s & n & "<BR>"
ShowDriveList = s
End Function
Drives Collection | Files Property | SubFolders Property
Applies To: FileSystemObject Object