The following table lists the version of Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition implemented by host applications.
The following table lists VBScript language features and the version when first introduced.
Language Element |
1.0 |
2.0 |
3.0 |
4.0 |
5.0 |
Abs Function |
x |
Addition Operator (+) |
x |
And Operator |
x |
Array Function |
x |
Asc Function |
x |
Assignment Operator (=) |
x |
Atn Function |
x |
Call Statement |
x |
CBool Function |
x |
CByte Function |
x |
CCur Function |
x |
CDate Function |
x |
CDbl Function |
x |
Chr Function |
x |
CInt Function |
x |
Class Object |
x |
Class Statement |
x |
Clear Method |
x |
CLng Function |
x |
Color Constants |
x |
Comparison Constants |
x |
Concatenation Operator (&) |
x |
Const Statement |
x |
Cos Function |
x |
CreateObject Function |
x |
CSng Function |
x |
CStr Function |
x |
Date and Time Constants |
x |
Date Format Constants |
x |
Date Function |
x |
DateAdd Function |
x |
DateDiff Function |
x |
DatePart Function |
x |
DateSerial Function |
x |
DateValue Function |
x |
Day Function |
x |
Description Property |
x |
Dim Statement |
x |
Division Operator (/) |
x |
Do...Loop Statement |
x |
Empty |
x |
Eqv Operator |
x |
Erase Statement |
x |
Err Object |
x |
Eval Function |
x |
Execute Method |
x |
Execute Statement |
x |
ExecuteGlobal Statement |
x |
Exit Statement |
x |
Exp Function |
x |
Exponentiation Operator (^) |
x |
False |
x |
Filter Function |
x |
FirstIndex Property |
x |
Fix Function |
x |
For...Next Statement |
x |
For Each...Next Statement |
x |
FormatCurrency Function |
x |
FormatDateTime Function |
x |
FormatNumber Function |
x |
FormatPercent Function |
x |
Function Statement |
x |
GetLocale Function |
x |
GetObject Function |
x |
GetRef Function |
x |
Global Property |
x |
Hex Function |
x |
HelpContext Property |
x |
HelpFile Property |
x |
Hour Function |
x |
If...Then...Else Statement |
x |
IgnoreCase Property |
x |
Imp Operator |
x |
Initialize Event |
x |
InputBox Function |
x |
InStr Function |
x |
InStrRev Function |
x |
Int Function |
x |
Integer Division Operator (\) |
x |
Is Operator |
x |
IsArray Function |
x |
IsDate Function |
x |
IsEmpty Function |
x |
IsNull Function |
x |
IsNumeric Function |
x |
IsObject Function |
x |
Join Function |
x |
LBound Function |
x |
LCase Function |
x |
Left Function |
x |
Len Function |
x |
Length Property |
x |
LoadPicture Function |
x |
Log Function |
x |
LTrim Function |
x |
Match Object |
x |
Matches Collection |
x |
Mid Function |
x |
Minute Function |
x |
Miscellaneous Constants |
x |
Mod Operator |
x |
Month Function |
x |
MonthName Function |
x |
MsgBox Constants |
x |
MsgBox Function |
x |
Multiplication Operator (*) |
x |
Negation Operator (-) |
x |
Not Operator |
x |
Now Function |
x |
Nothing |
x |
Null |
x |
Number Property |
x |
Oct Function |
x |
On Error Statement |
x |
Option Explicit Statement |
x |
Or Operator |
x |
Pattern Property |
x |
Private Statement |
x |
PropertyGet Statement |
x |
PropertyLet Statement |
x |
PropertySet Statement |
x |
Public Statement |
x |
Raise Method |
x |
Randomize Statement |
x |
ReDim Statement |
x |
RegExp Object |
x |
Rem Statement |
x |
Replace Function |
x |
Replace Method |
x |
RGB Function |
x |
Right Function |
x |
Rnd Function |
x |
Round Function |
x |
RTrim Function |
x |
ScriptEngine Function |
x |
ScriptEngineBuildVersion Function |
x |
ScriptEngineMajorVersion Function |
x |
ScriptEngineMinorVersion Function |
x |
Second Function |
x |
Select Case Statement |
x |
Set Statement |
x |
SetLocale Function |
x |
Sgn Function |
x |
Sin Function |
x |
Source Property |
x |
Space Function |
x |
Split Function |
x |
Sqr Function |
x |
StrComp Function |
x |
String Constants |
x |
String Function |
x |
StrReverse Function |
x |
Sub Statement |
x |
Subtraction Operator (-) |
x |
Tan Function |
x |
Terminate Event |
x |
Test Method |
x |
Time Function |
x |
Timer Function |
x |
TimeSerial Function |
x |
TimeValue Function |
x |
Trim Function |
x |
Tristate Constants |
x |
True |
x |
TypeName Function |
x |
UBound Function |
x |
UCase Function |
x |
Value Property |
x |
VarType Constants |
x |
VarType Function |
x |
VBScript Constants |
x |
Weekday Function |
x |
WeekdayName Function |
x |
While...Wend Statement |
x |
With Statement |
x |
Xor Operator |
x |
Year Function |
x |